As per a Reuters report, the Chinese military banned Tesla cars from entering its complexes earlier last week. This was out of security concerns as the Tesla vehicles had cameras installed in them. So, the Chinese authorities believe that the cars could be used to collect government information to spy on the country. The topic came up during a controversial meeting of the top Chinese and US diplomats in Alaska last week. This was the first in-person interaction between the two countries since US president Joe Biden took office in January. Now, commenting on the topic, Elon Musk said on Saturday that his company Tesla would be shut down if its cars were used for espionage purposes. “There’s a very strong incentive for us to be very confidential with any information,” Musk told a renowned Chinese forum during a virtual discussion. “If Tesla used cars to spy in China or anywhere, we will get shut down,” he further added. So, Musk exhorted greater mutual trust between the countries, in his remarks to the China Development Forum, a high-level business meeting hosted by a foundation under the State Council.